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Celebrating 87 Years of Membership With NECA

Black and white photo of old Riggs Distler building

Posted on March 2, 2021 in News

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Riggs Distler & Company, Inc. is coming up on 87 years of membership with the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) this month. According to NECA, their contractors set the standard for traditional and integrated electrical systems and lead the industry in the practical application of new technologies. Learn more here. We are proud to have a long standing history with NECA.

Back in 1934 when we first became a member, John Cyrus Distler was our company president (from 1914–1944)  and our office was located on Calvert Street in Baltimore, Maryland. We were working on such notable projects as: Installing 1360 ton air-conditioning system and the complete plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical work for the National Gallery of Art (DC); Furnishing and installing complete electrical wiring and lighting systems in the State Capital Building in West Virginia and all heating and ventilation systems in the Corcoran Art Gallery (DC).

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Fast forward to today, where we continue to be active participants in the growth and health of the electrical community. Along with NECA, we are part of the OSHA Electrical Transmission and Distribution Partnership and we’ve received numerous awards from NECA for our contributions to the growth of the industry. Most recently we won the  National Project Excellence Award for our electrical work on the Atlantic City Electric Orchard to Lewis Transmission Reliability Project in 2020. Click here to read more about this award.

Riggs Distler is proud to be part of NECA and plans on continuing our relationship for generations to come.